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A certain list consists of 400 different numbers. Is the average (arithmetic mean) of the numbers in the list greater than the median of the numbers in the list?(1 ) Of the numbers in the list, 280 are less than the average.(2) Of the numbers in the fist, 30 percent are greater than or equal to the average.
If w + z = 28, what is the value of wz ?( 1) w and z are positive integers.(2) w and z are consecutive odd integers.
If x2=2x , what is the value of x ?( 1) 2x=(x2 )3 (2 ) x=2x−2 ​
If abc≠0 , is ab c =abc ?(1) a = 1 C(2) C = 1
The cardinality of a finite set is the number of elements in the set. What is the cardinality of set A?(1) 2 is the cardinality of exactly 6 subsets of set A(2) Set A has a total of 16 subsets, including the empty set and set A itself.
In a two-month survey of shoppers, each shopper bought one of two brands of detergent, X or Y, in the first month and again bought one of these brands in the second month. In the survey, 90 percent of the shoppers who bought Brand X in the first month 1 bought Brand X again in the second month, while 60 percent of the shoppers who bought Brand Y in the first month bought Brand Y again in the second month. What percent of the shoppers bought Brand Y in the second month?( 1) In the first month, 50 percent of the shoppers bought Brand X.(2) The total number of shoppers surveyed was 5,000.In a two-month survey of shoppers, each shopperbought one of two brands of detergent, X or Y, in thefirst month and again bought one of these brandsin the second month. In the survey, 90 percent ofthe shoppers who bought Brand X in the first month1 bought Brand X again in the second month, while60 percent of the shoppers who bought Brand Y in thefirst month bought Brand Y again in the second month.What percent of the shoppers bought Brand Y in thesecond month?( 1) In the first month, 50 percent of the shoppersbought Brand X.(2) The total number of shoppers surveyed was5,000.
What is the number of integers that are common to both set S and set T?(1)The number of integers in S is 7, and the number of integers in T is 6.(2)U is the set of integers that are in S only or in T only or in both, and the number of integers in U is 10.
In the figure above,the shaded region represents the front of an upright wooden frame around the entrance to an amusement park ride. If RS= 5√32 meters. what is the area of the front of the frame?(1)x=9 meters.(2)ST=2√3 meters
The arithmetic mean of a collection of 5 positive integers, not necessarily distinct, is 9. One additional positive integer is included in the collection and the arithmetic mean of the 6 integers is computed. Is the arithmetic mean of the 6 integers at least 1 0 ?( 1 ) The additional integer is at least 1 4.(2) The additional integer is a multiple of 5 .The arithmetic mean of a collection of 5 positiveintegers, not necessarily distinct, is 9. One additionalpositive integer is included in the collection and thearithmetic mean of the 6 integers is computed. Is thearithmetic mean of the 6 integers at least 1 0 ?( 1 ) The additional integer is at least 1 4.(2) The additional integer is a multiple of 5 .
Patricia purchased x meters of fencing. She originally intended to use all of the fencing to enclose a square region, but later decided to use all of the fencing to enclose a rectangular region with length y meters greater than its width. In square meters, what is the positive difference between the area of the square region and the area of the rectangular region?(1)xy=256(2)y=4









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